726 days until 2009 inauguration
Watching the State of the Union tonight at the lovely home of pepperedjane and arh006 made me very excited to have only ... 2 years ... left of hearing Mr. Bush speak in public. Not only do I not believe a word that the guy says, but he's just such an awful speaker. Anyway, more on that tomorrow, maybe.
For 2009, another of our choices is Mitt Romney, Mormon businessman and one-term Republican Governor of Massachusetts. He and his wife are both Brigham Young-graduated Mormons, and has this to say on his own website:
"Last year the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court struck a blow against the family, as I'm sure you know. The court forgot that marriage is first and foremost about nurturing and developing children. Its ruling meant that our society is supposed to be indifferent about whether children have a mother and a father."
Yeah, so, not that guy.
Currently reading: What's the Matter with Kansas? It's interesting so far...