
speaking of christmas...

Here are some representative photos from the Christmas travels.

These Christmas-colored foods are from dinner at my dad's -- the spinach on the left will be used in the Creamed Spinach recipe, and the red stuff is beet soup, which we served as an amuse bouche in a wineglass. It looked beautiful, and it tasted much of delicious beets, but not everyone seemed to be a fan of beets. (Huh?) People also seemed a little confused about drinking a soup out of a wineglass, but I liked the cognitive dissonance of expecting wine and getting brothy beety soup instead.

Don't you worry -- this Seagram's bottle at the spoons-family log cabin was filled with Bombay Sapphire for reasons I'll leave to your imagination. Gin + Christmas Cookies = Happy Holidays? We also got a bottle of Hendricks Gin for spoons' brother for Christmas, so quality gin was all around -- except in the new Bond movie. Gordon's, Mr. Bond? Really!

what about the cognitive dissonance of expecting seagram's and getting bombay sapphire instead?

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