red, white and ... purple?
While reading, you may enjoy listening to some of Kaki King's new album "... until we felt red". And if you're in NY, you should go see her at the Living Room!
Yesterday, I got inspired to make a salad with red white and blue toppings. For the red: roasted beets. Very red, even if they were kinda purplish-red. For the white: radishes, which even had nice accents of red (well, pink). For the blue... well, blueberries solve pretty much any Fourth of July color problems, but I thought I'd think *outside* the blue-food-box, and think of something else. I got excited about the idea of blue potatoes. The problem is, that they're really purple potatoes, and cooking them makes them even more gray/purple. So, to sum up, I've got Red/Purple, White/Pink, and Purple/Gray instead of Red White and Blue. I solved all my problems by sticking a sparkler in the salad when I served it. (Mmmm, flakes of burning metal! Festive!)

Also! I bet you didn't know that (according to my half-assed Google search) no flag has the color purple. Look at this flag search thing. Purple is not even an option!
Last year, for Red, White, and Blue-ness I did an easy, tasty sour cream/cream cheese graham cracker crust raspberry/blueberry thing. The recipe for that, which I recommend for color and taste, is on epicurious.
Currently in: Pittsburgh
There are 4 days left until I go to Cleveland and then Ann Arbor.