
is it almost christmas time?

It's been snowing so much here that I feel like it must be time to make cookies and sing Christmas carols... wait. That part is already over? But ... I ... sigh. I'm so confused.

In the last post I was writing about Obama, and today we heard two more announcements of presidential wannabes: Hillary Clinton and Sam Brownback. I watched Clinton's video on her website and read a bit about her life and accomplishments. (Her wikipedia article has 87 citations, to Obama's 141, so I'm putting Obama ahead as the candidate favored more by geeks.) I thought Hillary's video was OK, but she just doesn't seem that comfortable. Too plastic? I feel like people will be looking at her as what a successful woman can be, and I worry that if she looks bad in commercials, interviews, debates, that that might hurt the next viable female candidate.

Brownback is running for the Republican nomination, and I already don't like him. He's already making a big deal about making sure there's no gay marriage. While I'll admit that there are lots of complicated issues: health care, foreign policy, education -- gay marriage is not one of them. There are absolutely zero rational arguments against gay marriage, and it's one of my political dealbreakers.

Also, I mentioned that O'Reilly and Colbert were doing a show swap, and you can see the show (at least you can see them right now) on YouTube: Bill O'Reilly on Colbert Report, and earlier in the day, Colbert on O'Reilly and a not-that-funny panel discussion on O'Reilly's show about why Colbert is so popular. Worth watching!

A very good article that should make you scared of Brownback:
God's Senator
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