go, go K Unit!
Sometimes I feel like I travel a lot. Then, I realize that there are those whose frequent flyer miles blow mine away. Kaki King, for example. She's been in Chicago recording, so we've be able to hang out, bring her tasty snacks in the studio, etc. (From the Goddess & Grocer on Damen. Mmmmm.) To record, she was here in December for a few days to meet the producer, then here in January for a bit of time to lay down tracks, and then she'll be back in February to work on a final mix. A bunch of us were hanging out on her last night here in January, and we left with a spirited "see you soon" since she'll be back in what seemed like such a short time. Then I looked at her tour schedule, and while she'll be gone for less than three weeks, she's playing 8 shows in CA, GA, and FL and... briefly visiting? her home in NYC. I do much less travelling than that, and I still feel really stretched and tired at times going between Chicago and Pittsburgh, and all the other places that I can go for work and to visit people that I love.
Here's a picture of cute Kaki at D&K's 57th birthday party this summer. That's right, 57th birthday. It deserves its own entry -- I should scan the menu! Ok, it's not the greatest picture of her, but I had to post it since it's like the hottest picture of spoons, EVER. (You may notice that he's is wearing a "Stefan Rules" t-shirt!)

Anyway. Kaki. Here's a hotter picture of her, in fairness. If you want to see her play, then go right ahead. I highly recommend it. You can check out her tour schedule at www.kakiking.com -- she'll be in Chicago and NY soon.
My Current Location: Chicago. Just got back from NYC.
Number of Episodes it took me to really get into Arrested Development: 5 or so. (starting with the first season) They're only 20 minutes, though, so... two hours. And now I'll watch every other episode quite excitedly. Netflix away, my friends! Thanks to those who kept reminding me to watch it...