
things learned in NY: week 1

  1. You can get an umbrella for $5, but you have probably overpaid. $3 is the going rate, or even 2 for $5.
  2. $3 for an umbrella seems cheap to me, until I realize it is a one-use-only umbrella, and I am the girl standing on the corner of the Avenue with cabs rushing by holding a giant metal flower.

  3. When cabs switch shifts (half switch every 4 hours?) if they don't have the cab back to the place they got it from, they have to pay a fee. So, if you are standing at Columbia trying to get to the airport just before 4 pm with a big suitcase, at least 1/2 of the cabs will not want to pick you up. They don't have time to get you to the airport and get back before shift change. (This wasn't my problem today, since I didn't have to get to the airport, but it seemed like a useful thing to know.)
  4. The A-C-E is the dumbest subway line.
    • Do NOT take the E train to get from downtown to Columbia. THE E TRAIN DOES NOT GO TO COLUMBIA! It goes to Queens. Stupid E train.
    • The C train does not run late. The A train goes local after some time (10:30?) I watched two A's go by tonight, like a rabbi traditionally refusing to take an A until I realized there were no C's and the third A train came by...
    • Beware the stops that go one direction only! What is that about?

  5. Women in NY just can not get enough of tucking their jeans into their boots. I guess when you spend that much money on boots, you make sure everyone can see. Ugg.

Comment, part the first:

Sweet picture! Where is that from?

Comment, part the second:

Fashon trends I cannot wait to see the end of:

1) Ugg boots, into which jeans are tucked, especially in Southern California where it is NOT EVEN COLD!

2) Ballet slippers masqurading as shoes. How are you supposed to walk in those? Plus, they look stupid.

3) Giant handbags.

4) 3/4 sleeves, and capris. Not warm enough when it's chilly, too warm when it isn't. Silly-looking year-round.

End of rant.
What about the 1-9 line? And the 3 (express)? I know those go to Columbia ... The dots are red.

And I agree about the boots and jeans combo ... bleh. Of course, New Yorkers love shoes, and like, wearing impractical shoes/clothing. The summer I was there was the beginning of the tiny heel shoes, you know, the ones that look like the person wearing them is so heavy that it squashed the heels. Meh.
On boots: The only time I don't think they are so terrible is on a cold, rainy day where girls are actually wearing warm, dry boots. I wish I could think they were being practical, instead of fashionable.

On trains: It is true that the 1/9 go to Columbia, but the NOT A (usually, unless it is late)/C/NOT E is much closer to where I am staying...
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