birthday feast 2006
I enjoyed JLQ's recent holiday manifesto parts 1 and 2, including a resolution (a re-dedication? a re-direction?) to spend more time on Days of Importance to her, including birthdays, over days that aren't really that meaningful to her, like Valentine's Day and Christmas. I say "amen" to that!
Since 2001, spoons has been creating his own birthday-holiday tradition, inviting over a few close friends (OK, there were 14 of us this year) for a sit-down multi-course dinner extravaganza. It's the kind of thing that takes a whole day to prepare and five hours to properly eat -- a holiday tradition that I can whole-heartedly support. In the past, we've been cooking fun things that we liked, but not necessarily with a unifying theme. Since he went to Brazil last year, and I went to Puerto Rico this year, we thought we'd try our hand at some caribbean/south american food. There were cocktail umbrellas with the guests' names on them at their seats, and as the evening progressed some of the umbrellas attacked the pineapple, and were left there until morning. (photo above)
The menu, below, has the name of each course with some teaser-trailer ingredients below it -- not necessarily the main ingredients. I should scan a better version...
I've been putting together a list of all the recipes, but haven't quite finished yet. When I do, I'll link it here.
The birthday dinner really is developing its own traditions, too. It's usually the first weekend in December. We start looking forward to it when the weather's getting colder and talking about what we'll cook. Every year, spoons has served a wintry squash soup in some form or another -- last year, inside a pasta, this year with coconut milk and curry. It's always been a vegetarian meal, because of the many vegetarian guests. We have copies of old menus, and I can imagine pulling them out for a "Best Of" in ten years or so!
It makes me think about my birthday, too -- what project do I want to do? How can I do it? Rather than waiting for people to do things for you on your birthday, what do you want to do with your day?